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​CROWDFUNDING to Inner Space

​Thanks to Intercultural Roots, we are soliciting donations through a Crowdfunding platform that will double the contributions received from donors

Since 2019 — thanks to and with the help of many contributors — we have created Inner Space, a series of retreats in nature that foster our connection with vital energy and the importance of care: self-care, care for other beings, and care for nature. In 2 or 3 days, we dive collectively into different body practices: butoh dance, extended perceptual experiences, and sensory/affective relations with the environment. We are hosted by many different ecological venues who inspire us to imagine other ways of living better together.


Inner Space is actively building an itinerant community that brings together people from arts, humanities, ecology, permaculture, healing / body practices, and other fields. With your help, we will be able to hold these experiences more frequently, to explore how these intersections may generate possibilities for social change and climate action. 





​​This is a Reward anyone can donate to, that will support the costs to organize our next Inner Space retreat in August 2023. This Reward is for people who will not be participating yet wish to support.



​​This is a Reward anyone can donate to, that will support lthe costs to organize our next Inner Space retreat in August 2023. For this reward, we offer access to a pre-recorded special class from the instructors Guyphytsy Aldalai or Aura Arreola. 



​​This is a Reward anyone can donate to, that will support the costs to organize our next Inner Space retreat in August 2023. For this reward, we offer access to an online masterclass by Guyphytsy Aldalai and/or Aura Arreola, plus a series of pre-recorded classes. 



​​This is a Reward anyone can donate to, that will support the costs to organize our next Inner Space retreat in August 2023. For this reward, we offer access to the online masterclass plus a one-on-one session with one of the instructors.



A subsidized place at Inner Space next retreat on August 18-20th, 2023. This Reward includes accommodation and food, as well as access to the whole experience. 


To donate please follow this link and write to to follow your reward:

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